How many steps a day are enough? Too many? Too few?
Is a monster lurking in your medicine chest?
Is your doctor ignoring you?
Having trouble reading?
Boomers live longer than their parents did. But are they less healthy?
Men get osteoporosis too.
A little extra light can mess up more than a good night’s sleep.
Health apps help seniors manage chronic conditions. Too bad most don’t use them.
7 cardiac procedures you might be better off skipping
Can hearing loss lead to balance problems?
How to find a new doctor
When and why is it okay to fire your doctor?
Too much of a good thing?
Accessing your own health records will soon be easier than ever
8 things to ask when your doctor prescribes a new med
How Medicare pays doctors and hospitals to give seniors better care
Can your blood type affect your health?
Medical research reveals 7 totally unexpected ways to live longer. (Flossing your teeth is one.)
If you don’t have a healthcare advocate, get one.
How 9 healthy foods can actually help you feel happier